Health and Safety Abroad
Travelling and learning abroad can be one of the most exciting and rewarding learning experiences, but with it can come many unknowns and risks.
Before making any decisions to go abroad, it is important to make sure that you understand your own vulnerability and identify potential hazards and risks involved in your international activities and travel. Go to to make informed decisions about traveling safely outside of Canada.
91̽»¨ International Education provides resources to help you assess and mitigate risks while you are abroad.

Everyone participating in any of 91̽»¨â€™s mobility programs must complete their Emergency Protocol Form prior to departure. This form helps identify risks involved in activities abroad and develop a basic plan to mitigate any risks. medical insurance is required and provides emergency support through Core CAP. The Emergency Protocol Form will request your information about the following:
Emergency contact
Mobility program specifics
Travel itinerary
Risk identification and assessment
An orientation session will be provided prior to departure, which will cover:
Academic advising
Travel logistics
Health and safety
Emergency support
Cultural competency
For 91̽»¨ to support those abroad in case of an emergency, please ensure the following are completed prior to travelling and easily accessible while abroad:
Mobility registry (by submitting Emergency Protocol Form)
Emergency Contacts Wallet Card
- insurance with CAP coverage (see below)
In an emergency
The is accessible for download on mobile devices at no cost.
24 Hour Client Response Center (CRC) Hotline: +1-619-717-8549
Text number: +1-954-727-1916
Call or text +1-250-317-2435 any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Emergency consular assistance for Canadians*:
by email:
by phone: +1-613-996-8885
by SMS: +1-613-686-3658
You can also download the to find Canadian consulate or embassy contact information and social media accounts, as well as follow any updates for your destination.
*If you’re not a Canadian citizen, please also refer to the government of your country of origin for similar services.