About 91̽ Library
Mission Statement
"The Library promotes student success through the development of critical thinking and independent research skills, and advances teaching and learning by supporting instruction and professional development."
The mission of library staff is to provide library services, information resources, and facilities of the highest quality for students and faculty/instructors in support of the educational mission of 91̽.
91̽ Library serves four separate campuses with one collection, and daily deliveries among the library centres during academic terms. Access to the library collection is through the online catalogue and 91̽topus. The catalogue and online resources can be accessed from any computer at home or on-campus. The Library's collection includes approximately 300,000 books, e-books, videos, government documents, journals, full-text e-journals, and other materials selected to support programs and courses at 91̽. Through the Library website, users can find articles, statistics, and government documents.
Interlibrary loan services provide 91̽ students, faculty, and staff with access to materials not held by the Library. Library users have the ability to renew items over the phone or online, as well as place requests, and holds. Study space, Internet workstations, photocopiers, scanners, microfilm/fiche reader-printers, and equipment for viewing media are provided in each Campus Library. Experienced reference staff are available to help students and faculty as individuals or groups. Librarians provide information literacy instruction, and guidance on finding and accessing print and electronic information sources. Instruction in research skills is provided at all levels from introductory to advanced, across a wide range of program areas.
For distance education students registered in an 91̽ credit course, library service is available by email or phone. Material is mailed free of charge.
The mission of library staff is to provide library services, information resources, and facilities of the highest quality for students and faculty/instructors in support of the educational mission of 91̽. Service priority is given to students and faculty. Members of the public are welcome to use the collections and facilities. Community borrower cards are available to members of the public.
91̽ Library's Year-at-a-Glance presents an annual report that highlights some of the accomplishments and initiatives that have taken place over the last year.
EDISJ at 91̽ Library
91̽ Library strives to acknowledge, address, and disrupt the ongoing and historical role it has played in upholding systems of oppression against IBP91̽*, 2SLGBTQIA+**, and other equity-deserving groups. We value and strive to serve the diverse needs of library users and employees. We recognize that this change must occur on an individual, departmental, and institutional level.
We strive to promote a welcoming, inclusive space for all 91̽ community members to come for information, inspiration, and support.
We aspire to reflect the needs of all members of our community through our interactions, services, resources, and spaces.
91̽ Library commits to:
Working towards respectful representation of diverse perspectives and centering traditionally marginalized voices in our resources, while recognizing and respecting Indigenous protocols around culturally sensitive materials.
Upholding the when interacting with library users and employees and providing cultural competency training opportunities for library employees.
Providing lending, reference, web, instructional services, and programming that emphasize inclusion of traditionally and currently marginalized groups.
Cultivating a space of belonging where all students, employees, and community members can work, gather, and learn.
Assessment and Consultation
Continuously consulting with those who use the library, as well as those who do not, in order to inform how the library can better respond to diverse and changing needs.
91̽ Library will gauge the impact of its commitment to EDISJ by carrying out the Library EDISJ Goals.
*IBP91̽ = “Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour” ()
** 2SLGBTQIA+ = “Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer (or Questioning), Intersex, Asexual (or sometimes Ally). The placement of Two Spirit (2S) first is to recognize that Indigenous people are the first peoples of this land and their understanding of gender and sexuality precedes colonization. The ‘+’ is for all the new and growing ways we become aware of sexual orientations and gender diversity” ().
Copyright at 91̽
The use of copyrighted works by 91̽ employees and students is governed mainly by The Copyright Act and Licenses. The Copyright Act Covers literary, dramatic, artistic, and musical works, sound recordings, performances, and communication signals. This includes works on the Internet. Many of the journal articles, e-books, and streaming videos from library databases that are used for teaching and learning are governed by licenses, rather than the Copyright Act. The institution has negotiated these licenses on behalf of students and employees, and each license has its own terms. Read more on .
To learn copyright regulations that apply to you, visit the .
Connect with a Librarian
Librarians at 91̽ run an active instructional program committed to providing information literacy skills in support of developing information literate and lifelong learners. Librarians are available for in-class research instruction and for one-on-one appointments with students and staff. Services include campus library tours, general orientations , and in-depth research instruction for students.
Locate your course or program subject area from the menu below and then find your corresponding subject librarian to contact directly.

Subject Librarians by Department
Adult Upgrading (AU)
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer & Commercial Aviation
Business Administration
Certified Dental Assistant
Computer Science & ICT
Continuing Studies
Criminology (Criminal & Social Justice)
Culinary Arts
Early Childhood Education
Engineering Technologies
English Language
Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies
Geography & Earth and Environmental Science (EESC)
Health Care Assistant
Human Service Work
Indigenous Studies
Mathematics, Statistics, & Data Science
Modern Languages
Office Administration
Pharmacy Technician
Physics & Astronomy
Political Science
Practical Nursing
Social Work
Sustainable Building Technology
Therapist Assistant
Water Engineering Technology (WET)
Wine & Viticulture
91̽ Librarians
All Library Staff
Library staff are available to help on all campus libraries in Kelowna, Penticton, Salmon Arm, and Vernon.
Name | Contact |
Lisa Allen Library Assistant, Kelowna Campus | lallen@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4507 |
Wendy Argatoff Campus Library Coordinator, Kelowna Campus | wargatoff@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4304 |
Gilbert Bede, MLIS Assessment & Data Services Librarian, Kelowna | gbede@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4761 |
Cara Blake Library Assistant, Circulation & Processing | cblake@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4247/5452 |
Clarissa Booth Campus Library Coordinator, Salmon Arm Campus | cbooth@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x8851 |
Wanda Bruvold Campus Library Coordinator, Kelowna Campus | wbruvold@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4304 |
Trystan Carter, MLIS Campus Librarian, Vernon Campus | tcarter@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-503-2654 x6326 |
Paula Casorso Library Assistant, Penticton Campus | pcasorso@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-492-4305 x3228 |
Surandar Dasanjh Library Assistant, Penticton Campus | sdasanjh@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-492-4305 x3228 |
Stacey Davidson Campus Library Coordinator, Vernon Campus | sdavidson@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-545-7291 x2268 |
Nicole DeCorby Library Technician, Digital Systems & Services | ndecorby@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4309 |
Shayla Diekert Library Assistant, Salmon Arm Campus | sdiekert@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-832-2126 x8851 |
Greg Dudley Library Assistant, Penticton Campus | gdudley@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-492-4305 x3228 |
Eva Gavaris, MLIS Campus Librarian, Penticton | egavaris@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-492-4305 x3224 |
Greg Hutton, MLIS Digital Systems & Services Librarian, Kelowna Department Chair | ghutton@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4490 |
Ivan Idzan Library Assistant, Salmon Arm Campus | iidzan@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-804-8851 |
Roën Janyk, MLIS Interim Director of Library Services, Kelowna | rjanyk@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4660 |
Kisun Kim, MLIS Business Liaison & Copyright Librarian, Kelowna | kkim@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4298 |
Jennifer Matthews Library Assistant, Kelowna Campus | jmatthews@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4750 |
Doug Mehus Library Technician, Acquisitions | dmehus@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4299 |
Vacant Indigenous Initiatives & Services Librarian | |
Kimberley Nohr Library Technician, Metadata | knohr@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4571 |
Deanna Polson Library Assistant, Vernon Campus | dpolson@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x2304 |
Cindy Rhyason Library Assistant, Vernon Campus | crhyason@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-832-2126 x2305 |
Leslie Russell Executive Assistant | lrussell@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4664 |
Taryn Schmid, MLIS Campus Librarian, Salmon Arm | tschmid@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-832-2126 x8253 |
Joanne Shum Library Assistant, Kelowna Campus | jshum@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4661 |
Jillian Sinotte, MLIS Learning Services Librarian, Kelowna | jsinotte@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-492-4305 x4257 |
Claudia Valencia Library Technician, Reference & ILL | cvalencia@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4293 |
Catie Whibley Campus Library Coordinator, Penticton Campus | cwatson@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x8851 |
Lindsay Willson, MLIS Collections & Metadata Librarian, Kelowna | lwillson@okanagan.bc.ca P: 250-762-5445 x4624 |
Contact Salmon Arm Library
Salmon Arm, BC Canada
V1E 2S4
P: 250-804-8851 (Circulation & Renewals)
P: 250-832-2126 (Switchboard)
Contact Vernon Campus Library
Vernon, BC Canada
V1B 2N5
P: 250-503-2654 (Circulation & Renewals)
P: 250-503-2654 (Reference & Information Desk)
P: 250-545-7291 (Switchboard)
Library Policies
Date: Dec. 16, 2015
Purpose: To support an environment that respects and protects the privacy and personal information of 91̽ Library users and all 91̽ students, faculty, and staff members.
Applicable to: 91̽ Library users, 91̽ Library staff
Related agreements and legislation
Related policies
Interlibrary Loan Records Management
91̽ E.2.3 Protection of Privacy
91̽ E.5.1 Use of Information Technology Resources
Related procedures
Public Services: Confidentiality and Privacy
Statement on User Privacy
91̽ Library values the protection of Library users’ privacy and recognizes the importance of appropriately managing the personal information of students, employees and members of the public.
91̽ Library users’ personal information will be collected, retained, used, and disposed of according to applicable legislation and College policy.
Development responsibility: Director of Library Services
Approval responsibility: Library Management Committee
Version history: LMC approval Dec. 16, 2015
Date: November 30, 2016
Purpose: To allow access to the 91̽ (91̽) Library collection. This policy states the borrowing expectations of both the Library and users (students, faculty and staff, and community members) to ensure this collection access.
Applicable to: students, faculty and staff, and community members.
Related agreements
Related policy
91̽ Library Interlibrary loan
91̽ Library Conduct
91̽ Library Confidentiality & Privacy
91̽ E.5.1 Use of Information Technology Resources
91̽ D.2.1 Student Non-Academic Conduct
Related procedure
Loan Periods, Fines & Fees
Policy statement
91̽ Library borrowing privileges are available to all current 91̽ students, faculty/staff, as well as community members. Borrower type definitions are available under the borrower types section of the website.
Borrowing privileges and loan periods vary according to the type of borrower. Loan periods are available under borrowing on the library website.
Under special circumstances the Director of Library Services may grant borrowing privileges and Library membership to individuals and/or groups who do not otherwise meet the criteria for Library service.
Borrowers agree to familiarize themselves with and abide by these rules.
Borrowers are responsible for the care of borrowed material and return of the borrowed material to 91̽ Library according to the due date.
- 91̽ Library retains the right to recall borrowed material.
- 91̽ Library retains the right to apply rental fees for specified material types.
- 91̽ Library retains the right to charge any fees for loss or damage of borrowed materials.
- 91̽ Library retains the right to deny borrowing privileges for outstanding fines or fees or failure to comply with either 91̽ policies or the law.
- 91̽ Library retains the right to forward delinquent accounts to a collections agency through the Financial Services Department.
Borrowers will be charged fines for overdue items, according to the 91̽ Library’s Loan Periods, Fines & Fees
Borrowers have the right to appeal 91̽ Library decisions.
Development responsibility: Public Services librarians
Approval responsibility: Library Management Committee
LMC approval November 30, 2016
Date: December 4, 2015
Purpose: To support an environment that is respectful of all 91̽ Library users and staff members, the Library collection, and Library space. This policy outlines the expected and appropriate conduct of 91̽ Library users.
Applicable to: 91̽ Library users, 91̽ Library employees
Related policies
91̽ D.2.1 Student Non-Academic Conduct
91̽ E.2.1 Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Policy
91̽ E.2.2 Violent and Threatening Behaviour
91̽ E.2.5 Code of Ethical Practices Policy (for Employees)
91̽ E.5.1 Use of Information Technology Resources
91̽ Library Borrowing Policy
91̽ Library Food and Drink Policy
Related procedures
Public Services: Conduct
Public Services: Unattended personal belongings
Public Services: Unattended workstations
Public Services: Library study rooms
Policy statement
91̽ Library users are expected to comply with all appropriate 91̽ policies.
91̽ Library users are expected to comply with all appropriate legislation and licensing agreements
Appropriate and expected behaviour of 91̽ Library users includes:
- respecting and using the Library's physical and electronic collections responsibly
- respecting and using the Library's physical space, equipment, and furniture responsibly
- respecting and showing consideration to other 91̽ Library users and 91̽ Library employees
- using only authorized areas of the Library according to the rules and procedures established by 91̽ Library not leaving personal belongings unattended
- not leaving logged-in workstations unattended
- recognizing that 91̽ Library is not responsible for the security or care of Library users’ personal belongings
91̽ Library users who do not comply with this policy or others may be asked to leave the Library and/or may face action, fees, fines, or other disciplinary action as laid out by legislation or any 91̽ Library or 91̽ policy.
Development responsibility: Public Services Librarians
Approval responsibility: Library Management Committee
Version history: Draft Aug. 27, 2014, LMC approval Aug. 27, 2014
Donations & Gift-in-Kind
91̽ Library has a food and drink policy to ensure a comfortable and welcoming environment for all library users while protecting library material and equipment. The policy applies in all 91̽ Campus Libraries.
Snack food and drinks in covered containers may be consumed in study carrels, study rooms, 3rd floor (Kelowna), and in Penticton, Salmon Arm and Vernon soft seating areas. Food and drink are not allowed near computer workstations, other Library equipment or in the Special Collections room (Kelowna).
- Drinks that are in spill-proof containers or have secured lids
- Sandwiches and snack foods that do not disturb others
- Open drink containers
- Foods that may disturb others (hot, messy, strong-smelling or noisy foods, or foods known to cause severe allergic reactions)
Please dispose of waste in the recycling and waste containers provided.
Library staff members reserve the right to determine which food and drink items are acceptable within the Library.
PLEASE NOTE: Library staff will respond to complaints from other Library users regarding disruptive food consumption.
Date: June 24, 2015
Purpose: To provide guidelines surrounding the use of 91̽'s Information Commons and Library computers by guest/public users. This policy states that members of the public who require use of a Library computer may request temporary access from any Library Circulation Desk, provided the below provisions are met.
Applicable to: community members
Related agreements
Related policy
91̽ Library Conduct
91̽ Library Confidentiality & Privacy
91̽ E.5.1 Use of Information Technology Resources
Policy statement
Computers in the Library Information Commons are primarily intended to provide 91̽ students with access to the Library and other information resources, and to provide access to productivity software and other programs that help students meet the objectives of their studies. Priority use of all Library computers is reserved for 91̽ students and employees.
For Library users who are not 91̽ students or employees, the Library may provide guest access to computers, provided that access does not interfere with students’ ability to use the computers. Library staff may assist guest users with computer use as time and resources permit. Library staff may ask guest users to limit their time on Library computers and/or to return at a less busy time.
In their use of Library computers, guest users are bound by the College’s Use of Technology Resources Policy, the Library Conduct Policy and other relevant College and Library policies.
91̽ requires all users of its computers and networks to be authenticated (i.e. “logged in”). All library staff have the discretion to determine whether to grant guest use of Library computers.
Development responsibility: Circulation Working Group (CWG)
Approval responsibility: Library Management Committee
Version history: LMC approval April 3, 2013; updated September 23, 2015
Date: Aug. 31, 2011
Purpose: To allow access to other collections with the primary purpose of promoting student success and supporting instruction, research, and professional development. This policy outlines the parameters of 91̽ Library interlibrary loan services.
Applicable to: 91̽ Library users, borrowing and lending libraries
Related agreements and legislation
Related policies
Related procedures
ILL Procedure - 91̽ Library Users
ILL Procedure - Other Libraries
ILL Procedure - Library staff
Public Services: Borrowing
Policy statements
Subsidized Interlibrary loan services are available to all 91̽ students, faculty and staff members who do not have any outstanding Library fees or fines. Interlibrary loan services are not available to community members.
Eligible 91̽ Library users can make an interlibrary loan request for materials not available at 91̽ Library.
91̽ Library will request, on behalf of an eligible Library user, returnable material and/or copies of material from another library.
91̽ Library retains the right to not make a request on behalf of a user.
- The lending library retains the right to refuse requests from 91̽ Library.
- The lending library determines what items are available for interlibrary loan.
- The lending library sets the loan period of material.
- The lending library determines if renewals are available.
- The lending library retains the right to recall borrowed material.
- The lending library retains the right to charge any fees for loss or damage of borrowed materials.
91̽ Library will notify users when interlibrary loan items are available for pickup, when they are due, and when they are overdue.
91̽ Library users are expected to pick up requested interlibrary loan items after receiving notification of their arrival.
91̽ Library users are responsible for the care of the borrowed material and return of the borrowed material to 91̽ Library according to the due date.
91̽ Library users will be charged fines for overdue items, and their accounts subject to flags and blocks, according to the 91̽ Library’s Borrowing Policy and Procedure.
91̽ Library will lend available materials and/or provide copies of available materials from its collection to other libraries according to the Canadian Copyright Act, Access Copyright agreement, licensing agreements, and interlibrary loan agreements.
91̽ Library retains the right to refuse a lending request.
91̽ Library determines the loan period of lent materials. Loan periods are reflected in the 91̽ Library Loans, Fines & Fees schedule.
91̽ Library will consider renewals requests.
91̽ Library retains the right to charge borrowing libraries not covered by an interlibrary loan agreement a fee for interlibrary loan services.
91̽ Library retains the right to recall lent material.
91̽ Library retains the right to charge borrowing libraries fees for loss or damage of lent materials, according to the 91̽ Library Borrowing Policy and Procedure.
Development responsibility: 91̽ Public Service Librarians
Approval responsibility: Library Management Committee
Version history: Draft Aug. 26, 2011; LMC approval Aug. 31, 2011
Date: April 11, 2018
Purpose: To provide guidelines for the use of the Local Interest Collection, located in the Kelowna Campus Library (L200).
Applicable to: 91̽ students, staff, and faculty, and community members.
Related Policies
91̽: Protection of Privacy
91̽ E.5.5: Fair Dealing Policy
91̽ E.5.3: Library Collections Policy
91̽ Library Donations & Gifts-in-Kind Policy
91̽ Library Conduct Policy
Related Procedures
Library: Local Interest Collection
Policy Statements
It is preferred that users make an appointment by email to access the Local Interest Collection. Walk-in users are welcome, but they may be turned away if a conflicting appointment has already been made or for other reasons at the discretion of library staff.
For the first visit, users will sign-in at the Circulation Desk by completing the “Local Interest Collection Use Form”, and by filling in a the Patron Visit Chart on the back of the form on the first and subsequent visits. This information will be kept on the same records retention schedule as laptop agreements. Anonymous user information will be stored in a spreadsheet for usage statistics.
- Large bags and coats will be stored in a secure area to keep items safe and to ensure that items are not removed from the Collection.
- Items in the Local Interest Collection are non-circulating and are not to leave the room without permission of authorized library staff.
- No food or drink permitted in the Local Interest Collection room.
- No pens are to be used in the Local Interest Collection room. Pencils and scrap paper are provided, and users can bring their own pencils, laptop computers, and/or cell phones.
- Users may take photos of items, provided no flash is used and the photos comply with copyright and any other applicable laws. Users are not permitted to scan items from the collection. Upon request, library staff will scan items on a case-by-case basis.
- Users are welcome to browse the Local Interest Collection. Items removed from shelves should be left for staff to re-shelve.
Development responsibility: 91̽ Library Management Committee
Approval responsibility: Library Management Committee
Version history: LMC approval April 4, 2018