Carousel simple block
What do web editors use a Carousel block for?
Carousels are a good way to introduce a variety of optional information to a user. It’s important to understand that a web user may/may not review all items in a carousel, so vital information or critical details are best to include in a different block on the page.
Which layout can Carousel blocks be used in?
Carousel blocks can be used in the one column layout. They can be placed on colour background and have colour accessibility built in. If you move blocks or change the background colour after a block has been place, remember to update the block to reset the accessibility colours.
Who can use Carousel blocks?
Super Builder can create and edit Carousel blocks. Builders can edit existing but not create new Carousel blocks.
Carousel tutorial
Step-by-step instructions
- Choose “Carousel simple” in the add custom blocks menu.
- Title: This is an administrative title that will be used to identify the block and not displayed on the website.
- Header: This is an optional field to display a header above the body text.
- Header will be set as an H2 by default but you have the option to change it. Note: Only use H1 if this is being used as a header/title for the page. H2 for any section header. H3 to break up content within the section. Never mix and match header sizes, this will confuse screen readers and make the site less accessible.
- You will have a choice of heading colours depending on the choice of background colour selected.
- Slides: This is where you enter in the information for each slide. You will have the choice of a text with image slide or a text slide. Think of these like the text with image block and the text block which are nested inside a carousel.
- Slide text with Image:
- Header: This is an optional field to display a header above the body text. Header will be set as an H2 by default but you will want to change it to a H3 if you added a header above.
- Body: This is an optional field to display a chunk of text using a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) text editor where you can type or copy paste text into. If you copy paste make sure you always clean the formatting after you paste. Do this by highlighting the text and clicking on the clear formatting icon (Tx) on the top ribbon. This will remove any unnecessary formatting copied over from a word doc or pdf file
- Image: Click on "Add media" to select an image from the media library. Note you will need to upload your media to the library prior to adding it to the block.
- Media Alignment: Select if you want the image to be on the right side or left side.
- Width: Select 50%/50% for the image to be landscape or 30%/70% for the image to be portrait.
- Choose "Slide Text" or "Slide Text with Image" to add another slide.
- Click on "Add block" or "Update" to save the block.