Student loan information
Student financial assistance is available to help eligible students with the cost of their post-secondary education through loans and grants. These funds can supplement (but not replace) other financial resources.
B.C. student loans are provided by the provincial government while Canada student loans are provided by the federal government. The National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) manages the applications for Canada Student Loans.
To receive student financial assistance through StudentAid BC, you must be a resident of BC. This means you have lived in B.C. for at least 12 continuous months (not counting time spent in full-time post-secondary studies).
Step-by-step instructions
Step 1: Create a login with StudentAid BC at . You will need your BC Services Card to verify your identity by downloading the BC Services Card mobile app.
Step 2: Apply for student financial assistance through StudentAid BC at .
Step 3: Receive your notice of assessment which outlines the funding amounts approved and accompanying disbursement dates.
Step 4: Complete the Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA). You will receive a 鈥淲elcome鈥 email from NSLSC with a link to register. Create your account and complete your MSFAA (information outlined in your notice of assessment).
Step 5: Once your application has been approved by StudentAid BC, the Financial Aid & Awards office will receive a request about 28 days before classes start to confirm your enrolment. If you are in the correct program (with the correct dates and course load), the Financial Aid & Awards office will confirm your enrolment and place a student loan hold on your account. This hold allows you to defer your fees until you receive your funding.
Step 6: Your funding will be deposited via direct deposit to your bank account usually within the first week of class. Once you receive your funding, you will have five business days to pay your outstanding fees.
Related Questions
Can I apply for student financial assistance if I am studying part-time?
Yes! If you are in a full-time program but taking it part-time, you can apply for part-time funding. Just make sure you are a B.C. resident to be eligible for StudentAid BC.
What are the course load requirements for full-time student financial assistance?
You must be enrolled in (and attend) at least 60% of a full course load (or 40% course load if you have a permanent disability approved by StudentAid BC) for the entire period covered by your application.
- For University transfer, degree, and diploma programs, this means at least 3 classes (9 credits).
- For vocational, trades, and health certificate programs, you need to be enrolled in the full program.
What are the course load requirements for part-time student financial assistance?
You must be enrolled in 20% to 59% of a full course load (or 20% to 39% if you have a permanent disability approved by StudentAid BC).
- This means 1 to 2 classes (3 to 6 credits) for university transfer, degree, and diploma programs.
Am I eligible for student financial assistance if I am not a resident of BC?
If you are a non-BC resident, you will need to apply for assistance through your home province. If you are in a term-based program (such as Arts, Science, Business etc.), you need to apply for financial assistance each term.
What if my student loan is not approved by the fee payment deadline?
Only students with an approved student loan by the fee payment deadline can defer their fees. If your student loan is not approved by the fee payment deadline, you are expected to pay your fees to ensure you are not dropped for non-payment.
Does retaking a course count as part of my course load requirement for student financial assistance?
Previously passed, audited, or waitlisted courses do not count towards the minimum course load. Adult Academic and Career Preparation (upgrading) and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) also do not count towards the minimum course load. Ensure your registered courses meet the minimum course load requirement.
I am an apprentice student. Can I apply for student financial assistance?
Apprentices registered in a Red Seal trade apprenticeship program may be eligible for the Canada Apprentice Loan (CAL). The Canada Apprentice Loan may provide up to $4000 in interest-free loans per period of technical training.
If I apply for student financial assistance, how much money will I get?
StudentAid BC funding varies according to your financial situation, status, length of study program, number of dependents and other factors. When you apply, StudentAid BC will tell you how much funding you will get and when you will receive it.
Resources and Links
To apply for student loan funding through StudentAid BC:
- For links to out of province funding: /financial-aid-and-awards/student-loans.
- To apply for the Canada Apprentice Loan: .
Next steps
If you have any questions about the student loan process, contact the Financial Aid & Awards team. It is recommended to book an appointment to discuss program eligibility, course load requirements, or the loan process.